Fixed Selection
French languages titles
Subscription 10 shipments / 1 year
Receive, 10 X per year, this selection of thirteen great Canadian magazines. Sold at our lowest price, this selection of magazines will undoubtedly help you relax during your moments of down time. Our magazine subscription service is ecological, local, affordable and cultural.
Aventure Chasse & Pêche, Bel Âge, Biosphère, Châtelaine (Fr.), Clin d'œil, Coup de Pouce, ELLE Québec, Faunetastique, Géo Plein Air, KMag, L'actualité, Les idées de ma maison, Nature sauvage, Protégez-Vous, Québec Science, Ricardo, Verdict Santé, VÉRO
*The number of issues may differ due to changes by the publisher and/or combined issues that count as two issues.
Please note that this offer is valid in the province of Quebec only. Shipping fees may apply for remote areas or sectors not covered by our delivery network (ex: appartments)
Specific References